If you enjoy cooking outdoors and frequently entertain on the back patio, then the idea of installing an outdoor kitchen might make a lot of sense for you.
You can actually go one of two ways in the design and implementation of your outdoor kitchen. You can put it together yourself, or you can hire a contractor. It just depends largely on how elaborate you wish to make your new creation, for example if you want to put in a sink, you will need the services of a plumber.
Start shopping and looking at other designs to get an idea of where to start. You might even have a contractor who has done work like this, come by and give you some ideas. It is assumed that the fact that you are even thinking about this concept, once it is built, you are going to get a lot of use from it.
So, your ideal plan would be to have a stainless steel stove/oven, perhaps with a pizza oven, a stainless steel refrigerator, cabinet space for dishes and utensils and non refrigerated food. Since this is outdoors, your cabinets will have to be of very high quality in order to keep varmints out of your food.
Your idea might evolve into a self contained mini-room, where a roof would shelter everything on a rainy day. An entire patio arrangement could focus around the concept where the flow from the kitchen to tables can be easily made. A counter could be easily constructed to lay out the food for a ‘come and get it’ serving philosophy.
Let your imagination be your guide as you build your dream outdoor kitchen and complete your backyard fantasy and turn it into a reality that will be enjoyed by everyone.